Saturday, October 16, 2010

Walk for Diabetes 2010

Today we participated in our first Walk for Diabetes, since finding out we have one amongst that is still unwilling to go public with his condition. We are trying hard to respect his wishes with everything else that he is taking on, but it has been difficult at times, watching while he chooses to travel this road alone. Team Carguellos for a Cure 2010

So, we didn't pressure him to wear red (those with diabet
es wore red and were called the 'Red Striders'), we didn't wear the big stickers that said "We are walking for ____", and we didn't even attempt to keep up with the pack.

We did talk several friends out of coming, for fear that the we
ather wasn't going to cooperate. But as luck would have it-it was a perfect fall day.

And here, in pictures, is what else we did do... we bonded with family... we spun with cousins on the beach... yes, we walked...and with our low carb snacks (yup, that's a slim jim in Ben's hand-his expression is telling me that he would much rather it be a donut...;) we admired the spectacular scenery.... we juggled a toddler from the backpack, to the hip, to the stroller, to our shoulders... we collected leaves... we adopted a new Aunt! :) (Fantastic "Aunt Fran" from Patrick's office, who braved the weather to join us.) What a GREAT sport she was! we explored the woods... we were wowed by the beautiful turquoise water... we photographed.... and some of us got a little aggravated at times...;) we talked... we slid on the slides...

and, although not pictured, we met a new friend, our newest hero, Alex!

but, most importantly, we showed our boy how very much we love him.

AND, thanks to the INCREDIBLE generosity of friends and family, we were able to show both boys how very possible it is to make a difference.

and we thank you all, VERY, very much for helping us do just that.

With heartfelt gratitude,
The Carguello Family

to view the event website, click below.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful Wendy. Sorry I couldn't be there in person, but I was there in spirit. We raised almost the exact same amount by our work at the Dome.

    Pop Pop
