Friday, September 4, 2009


Isn't funny how brutally honest kids can be? It's innocent and cute, but sometimes it does get you where it hurts...
Gracie has very fair skin and lots of visible veins on her forehead, eyelids and most notably, the bridge of her nose. While in the waiting room of the doctor's office for her last well visit, a cute little 2 1/2 year old girl came up to us, to admire and say hello to Grace. After observing her for a minute or so, she asked me, "Why she have magic marker on her face?" I tried to explain-who knows what she understood of it...Maybe next time my reply should be, "Oh, her big brothers did it."
Then today Ben had a friend over and he was chatting with Gracie who was charming it up for him. He then said, "Gracie's cute. She has that blue thing on her nose. She reminds me of a mad scientist with those, you know, vein things all over her forehead."
Aye, just what you want to hear about your baby girl...
Other people have noticed and asked what it was, or what happened. And those that don't ask, are wondering to themselves, I'm pretty sure.
For awhile I thought the vein on her nose was fading, but I think more likely I'm just becoming blind to it. If I mention it to Patrick, he's quick to tell me that I'm vain (pun intended I think...).
But since we're being honest, it bothers me.....
Because, again, let's be honest, this world can be a cruel place sometimes and isn't it natural to want to shield our children from that as much as we can?


  1. I know how hard this is. Ali's port wine stain on her ankle had the same affect on me. I would have the school nurse call and tell me she has a rash. good grief. She dreaded the beginning of spring because the questions from adults and kids would begin as soon as the socks/shoes were shed for sandles.

    All I would say, and later Ali would say, is "this is the way God made me"


  2. Josh has the same vein showing on the bridge of his nose. (Why do they call it that?) Also on other spots on his face. I think that Caroline does as well. I can remember them with Richard too. When babies are this fair their veins stand out. They won't be obvious as she gets older. Besides, she's so beautiful that you don't really notice. Guess little kids zero in on things like that! GAS

  3. I never paid much attention and didn't really notice it until you said something about it. I'm sure she will grow out of it or it will fade. Morgan already has spots that are fading and I never thought they would go away. What I notice is one of the prettiest girls in the world especially when she smiles and her eyes sparkle. The boys better look out when our girls are around! :) Talk to you soon! Miss you guys!
