Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dear William

Dear Sweet William Layne,

As your second Heaven day approaches, we want to take this time to tell you how much we love you. As we planted your garden and sprinkled your "dust" around the base of your tree, we NEVER imagined that you would become a big brother. But our family tree has grown another branch, and we thank God for the blessing of your baby sister, Grace.

Your garden is doing well. Your weeping cherry tree blossomed beautifully, but the flowers were all too fleeting, so symbolic of our time together. Your sweet william flowers are poking up through the ground and have spread quite a bit around your garden. And your forget-me-nots are abundant, like the love we all have for you.

Your brothers ask about you often. "Mommy, how old would William be if he was alive?" and "What would he be able to do now?" You would be 18 months old and toddling around, keeping us on our toes, just like your brothers did.

You have a playmate now, sweet William. Your beautiful baby cousin Emma Rose joined you a few days ago. May you welcome her into heaven with open arms and play together, until we can hold you both again.

All my love, Mommy

Planting your tree and sprinkling your "dust", as the boys call it.
August 2007

Weeping Cherry Blossoms
May 2008

Sending you up some balloons
Heaven day May 31, 2008


  1. no, this was beautiful. thank you for sharing these reflections with us.

  2. It is comforting to know that Emma Rose has her special welcoming committee in heaven. A difficult day for all here but knowing that she is in heaven and is whole and perfect transcends that. Love, Aunt Sherry

  3. Beautiful Tribute! Will and Emma remain forever in out hearts until we meet again.
    Love, Jenny and Abby
