Here is Gracie's first encounter with a T-rex. Although not pictured, this prompted Josh to make a poster that read "Looks like we got a meat-eater!"
Gracie's first "playdate" with her friend Morgan, who is 10 months old and on the move! Here they are sharing tips for surviving life with 2 brothers, close in age....
Ben and Josh marveled at how mobile Morgan was, crawling all over and climbing up the deck stairs! Time to hide those legos, guys!
And here are the brothers (all 4 of them) mid-lightsaber battle....Thanks for a fun evening, Cathy! Looking forward to our next get-together.
Here is Gracie meeting her brand new cousin Claire. Better pictures to come with our next visit, hopefully. These girls are the closest in age of all the Carguello cousins-only 4 months apart! May this be the beginning of a lifelong friendship! Looking forward to our first tea party, Claire and Sara!
And this is what happened one morning when I ran upstairs to get something before leaving to bring the boys to school. Aware of the fact that it was time to leave, they scooped up Gracie and attempted to buckle her in her seat, as a helpful surprise to mommy. (Notice her shoulder straps buckled around her waist...:) And ironically, she didn't make a PEEP when they put her in, contrary to the fuss that she usually puts up for me many a morning!
Enjoying her jumper...
And lastly, this is from today (how current am I?!-wish I could say that about my scrapbooks), posing in her bumbo seat after church. I just had to get a shot of this adorable hat before she outgrows it. (The baby wearing it is pretty darn adorable, too!)
Happy 5 months Gracie-poo! It really, truly has been!
And dear sweet baby Will, we send you all our love on this, your 2nd Heaven Day....