Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pillowcase Dresses

Pillowcase dresses! So sweet, so simple, so fun... And, look Mom, I'm sewing!

I think she would be happy about that. I know I am...;)

And a big thank you to my cool friend Jen, who always has great ideas. :)


  1. Awesome photo! (and thanks for the kudos.)

  2. Babe --Aunt Shell here from S.Fla= do you ever sleep? You're just amazing and such an incredible Mom, but please don't wear yourself out! call me about Jan . 11 when you get a second OK!! Great dresses Pammy is just loving it babe!
    Love, Aunt Shell xoxoxo

  3. Beautiful, beautiful!!!! You've shamed me into cleaning off my sewing table. GAS
