Saturday, October 10, 2009

9 Months Old! (and Still Waiting for Hair... ;)

Well, we're a bit late getting this post up (story of my life!), but wanted to post some favorite pics, hopefully a video or two and Gracie's latest stats...
(By the way, does anyone know how to get rid of this underlining?!)

Here is my happy girl who now LOVES to pull up on EVERYTHING, and likes to let go with one or both hands....

Here she is in one of her many hats, now a wardrobe staple due to her seemingly non-existent hair growth. It IS filling in a a bit, slowly but surely, but is SO light, so it's pretty hard to tell....
She loves to rock in her chair..........
As soon as she lays eyes on her taggie blanket, her thumb goes right in her mouth...

Love these shots of her at the window...she was so proud of herself when she realized she could stand up and look out on her own...

She loves her babies and her teddies so much, literally diving on them to snuggle with them.... She's in perpetual motion these days, but is still a snuggler, nuzzling into our shoulder when she's sleepy....Oh, and diaper and clothing changes require at least 6 hands lately, with both the "dresser" and "dressee" expending about 1000 cal. each before the job's done (or at least it seems that way...) Wheww!

She had her 9 month well visit this week and her latest stats are as follows: she weighs 18 lbs, 6 oz and...oh she IS the third child because I can't remember her height and head circ measurements...I do remember the %iles though...20th for weight, 75th for head and 97th for height! I have to wonder how accurate the last measurement was-she does seem long though-guess she shot up recently!

And in other fun news, she is starting to clap (soo cute!), says "mama and nana" (I am going to officially call Mama her first word-Ben's was "Dada" and Josh's was "Bub-bub" for Bubby/ now it's MY turn-yayy!) She waves bye-bye and hi, though not always on command, and she signals what she wants with a hearty "Uh, uh!" and fixes her eyes on the coveted item...She also gets SO excited whenever she sees pictures of babies, which happen to be all over the house...Oh, and I got my first kiss from her today-a nice, wide-mouthed drooly one-sooo sweet!

Happy 9 months, Gracie! Just when we think you can't possibly get any sweeter, you continue to amaze us! We love you more than words!!

Wanted to add the fact that I am writing this post on the tenth anniversary of my mom/"Grammie Pammy"'s passing...It seems like yesterday and it seems like a lifetime ago...I thank God that I can still hear her voice and that although she was never able to hold these three babies, I know she is holding Willi
am in her arms right now. When we lit a candle for her today, Ben said, "Aww, Mom, I only missed her by 2 years..." It was actually only 15 months....
These shots are from this summer, when we visited Walton and her Memorial tree, which is thriving on the beautiful mountainside...

I love you and miss you SO much, Mom!


  1. oh Wendy, so good to catch up again, Gracie is definitely the most like you! I thought of you all and your mom as we picked apples yestwerday, love, Aunt

  2. As you can see I am catching up. Don't worry about Gracie's hair. Just look at Laurie, she too was a baldie for the longest time. Gracie makes me think of your dad when I watch her sucking her thumb. He was pretty good at it!! Big hugs! xo's too
