Thursday, July 9, 2009

Six months of Grace

Dear Grace,
To my dear sweet baby girl, you are 6 months old! Daddy and I still can't believe that you are ours to keep-you still feel like a dream come true. It is so very hard to find the words sometimes, but you are a truly amazing gift. You have completed our family and completed me.
"You finally got your girl" strangers will say to me when we are out in public. True, yes, we got a girl. We didn't necessarily have a preference, though, when we were hoping for one more, so to assume we wanted a girl
was to assume too much....
But oh how we adore our beautiful girl and your blossoming personality....

And how you rub the bottoms of your feet together when playing on your tummy.
And how you press your gums together when they bother you, making you look like an elderly lady in need of her dentures.
And how you go to sleep so easily in your crib with your taggie blanket to snuggle, rolling onto your side to suck your thumb.
And how your smile lights up the room like no other.
And how your wide eyes take in all of your b
rothers antics.
And how you still nuzzle into my neck when you're tired.
And how you just go with the flow of our family, happily traveling to and from your brothers activities without complaint....
You are truly amazing and the best third child that anyone could ask for!

You are a sturdy sitter already-a milestone that I just couldn't wait for. Now we can enjoy dinners out as a family, without schlepping the bulky infant car seat, while you sit in a big-girl highchair, AND family b
ike rides in your new bike seat! But feel free to stay here for awhile, no need to rush crawling yet!

Happy 6 months, baby girl! It sure has been for all us!
All our Love, Mommy, Daddy, Ben and Joshy

Gracie's first big girl bath

Playing piano with Bubby

Did I just make that sound?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. TESTING, TESTING, 1,2,3...........

  3. We are all so blessed to watch her grow, it's hard to believe its been 6 month since she came into this world. and made our hearts so full of love and pride. She is the most beautiful little girl. (Excluding of course my little angel..LOL)Keep those photos coming! Looking forward to lacrose and swimming.and Gracie's wiggles and giggles. Love you Dawn
