Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sweet Beautiful Girl

Where does the time go? I can't believe our sweet baby is already 2 months old! Seems like those big blue eyes are open a lot more nowadays and that head is up, just trying to take as much in as she can! She is really enjoying the boys lately too, giving them lots of smiles from the moment they greet her in her crib each morning....

Gracie-girl, you are loved beyond words! You are truly, truly too good to be true! I still look at you and think "Are you really mine?"

She had a check-up last week, complete with shots, :( and the scale said she weighs 13.3 lbs! She is 95%ile for weight and 75th for height. What a healthy girl! And I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised, since she is definitely the laziest eater of the three.

Here are a few shots from when Gracie's first week.....

Sweet little sleepy girl....

This last one cracks me up! What a pose......(vogue, vogue).

I really need to take a photography class-I've been wanting to for some time now. Both of my sisters got the "photography gene" such as it is, but I am sorely lacking in that department. I can be standing right next to someone and we can take the exact same picture, and somehow mine will look terrible. I would like to blame my camera, but........I know better. :)

Here are a couple shots of our Gracie at 2 months. She has changed so much already! All dressed up (just for fun), but didn't feel much like smilin'......Note the big drool spot on the front of her dress. :)

Tummy time! (usually not her favorite......) Can you tell by her expression? :)

And here is one of my favorites-I just love how her big cheek smushes her eye closed!


  1. what a big and healthy girl!!! and absolutely adorable! i know what you mean, cuz. Can't believe she's here and yours. I know what you mean. But she is, Praise God!

    Sent the baptismal gown to mom so it will be ready for Gracie!

    Thanks for the update.

  2. Oh my. She's yours for sure and she is beautiful. Love those big eyes. You are on your way with your photography. And with the three models you have (daddy's not too bad either) you are all set. It's so great to be able to keep up with you this way. Thanks for the shot of Gracie in her outfit. I want to put a shot up of all three girls in the same outfits. Love you all, Sherry
